Vintage Legacies by Carol Hopkins
From Tennessee Quilts
Creat your own antique-style treasures.14 patterns ranging from lap-size to twin pay tribute to Southern belles, men's work shirts from the Civil War era,First Lady of the United States Mary Todd Lincoln, and more.
From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Vintage Farmhouse collection by McKenna Ryan for Hoffman, Paisley. Ecru, tan, oak, and mocha. Printed cotton fabric, 42-45in wide. This is a Hoffman Spectrum digital print.
Hidden Forest Orphan Block - Owl - Vintage Spool - ZK-Hidden-Owl
From Homespun Hearth
The original whimsical quilt, designed by Verna Mosquera of The Vintage Spool, featured Verna's  October Skies fabric collection by FreeSpirit Fabrics. This enchanting quilt was so enticing with its playful animals. Well, we have found some 'orphan'