Seersucker Black Stripe
From Let's Sew
Seersucker Black Stripe is by Studio RK for Robert Kaufman. It is 100% Cotton Seersucker measuring 60/62 inches wide.
Cool Cords Ladybugs on White
From Let's Sew
Cool Cords Ladybugs on White is by Ann Kelle for Robert Kaufman. It is 100% Cotton Corduroy measuring 43/44 inches wide.
Sports Life Pennant Stripe in Black
From Let's Sew
Sports Life 3 Pennant Stripe in Black is by Studio RK for Robert Kaufman. It is 100% Cotton Poplin measuring 44/45 inches wide.
Organic Wide Cotton Sheeting
From Pat on the Back
Robert Kaufman prepared for dyeing (PFD)bleached white from Organic Wide Cotton Sheeting Contents: 100% ORGANIC COTTONWidth: 53 inches wideWeight: 4.2 oz. per square yardPrepared For Dying Organic Bleached Sheeting Robert Kaufman is proud to offer the ind