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Hoffman Batik - 1895 - 481 Key Lime
From Tennessee Quilts
Bali Hand Dyes - Watercolors


Hoffman 1895 29 Jade (green)
From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Hoffman Batik 1895 - Jade. 100% cotton batik fabric, 42-45in wide.


From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Midsummer Night collection, Deer Grouping. Plum, lemon, teal, and forest. Cotton batik, 42-45in wide.


From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Butterfly collection of the Spring In Your Step group by Hoffman. Ecru, pale pink, yellow, chartreuse, and moss on turquoise blue. Cotton batik, 42-45in wide.


From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Melonberry collection by Judy Niemeyer for Timeless Treasures, Shooting Stars. Medalions and diagonal lines in plum. Cotton batik, 42-45in wide.


Bali Watercolors Brownie Watercolor
From Let's Sew
Bali Watercolors Brownie Watercolor is by Bali for Hoffman Fabrics. It is 100% Cotton Batik measuring 44/45 inches wide.


Here There - Anthology - 9050 - Q - 1 - Strand - Whitstable
From Tennessee Quilts
Batik Cotton by Marcia Derse


Lakeside - Wilmington Batiks - 22259 - 477 - Green
From Tennessee Quilts
Bali Batik


Northwoods 7 Batik Natural Swirls
From Let's Sew
Northwoods 7 Natural Swirls is by Lunn Studios for Robert Kaufman. It is 100% Cotton Batik measuring 44/45 inches wide.


Moda Malibu 4357 21 Citrus Breeze
From Batiks Etcetera & Sew What Fabrics
Malibu collection by Moda. Pickle and burnt orange geometric design on jade. Cotton batik fabric, 42-45in wide.

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